Condoms do not diminish sexual pleasure

Contrary to what you’d find in most post categories, condoms do not diminish sexual pleasure rather it helps make sex more enjoyable. The reason many people think condoms diminish sexual pleasure is because of the barrier it creates. While the barrier may reduce the sensitivity in a way, it also makes sex last longer, and with less worry more enjoyable. After all, during sex everyone worries about getting pregnant or contracting STI. And if there is anything that blocks sexual pleasure, it’s worries and anxiety. Hence the saying sex is mainly of the mind. On this note, we shall be discussing the pros and cons of using condoms in this article.  

porn categories - Condoms do not diminish sexual pleasure

Why do people use condoms? 

  • Lowers risk of STI 

Provided the condoms are used properly, it helps to protect against STIs. Models in most porn categories use condoms to protect themself from sexually transmitted infections like HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea amongst others. Note that most sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through sexual fluid. And with condoms having no pore, they are very effective at protecting against it.

  • Reduce the chance of pregnancy 

Another advantage of condoms is that they have no pores, hence they can reduce the chances of pregnancy. As such, models in several porn categories capitalize on this to help them reduce the chances of unwanted pregnancy, which can be the main killers of sexual pleasure. While using condoms reduces the chances of pregnancy, it does not mean it can’t happen, it’s just less likely to happen. Statistically, using condoms can reduce chances of pregnancy by 97%. 

  • Low risk of side effects 

Unlike other contraceptives models in several porn categories use, which could have several effects, condoms are one of the safest and easiest to use. Statistically, only about 1% of the population is allergic to latex, the material used in making condoms. In addition to having a lower side effect, condoms also protect against STI. 

  • Can make penetrative sex last longer 

Unlike having raw penetrative sex, condoms can make penetrative sex last longer, hence why most models in several porn categories use them. The truth is that anxiety, excitement, and other factors can make a male ejaculate before the sex has even started. The idea of longer sex simply means more pleasure.

Why do some people dislike using condoms? 

  • Doesn’t feel like real sex 

For many people, wearing a condom isn’t real sex. They believe that the barrier condoms create takes away the full experience of sex. But this isn’t true, as wearing a condom can still feel intimate and good. Although wearing a condom doesn’t feel the same way as raw sex, that doesn’t mean your partner wouldn’t feel pleasured or reach orgasm. 

  • Allergies 

A few percentages of people are allergic to condoms. This explains why models in some porn categories wouldn’t want to use a condom. But note that the number of people who are allergic to latex is considerably low. 

  • Uncomfortable 

Lastly, models in some porn categories don’t use condoms because they can feel uncomfortable. For a man wearing a ring-size, a condom can cause discomfort. And for females, using a condom without lubes can be painful. It could even cause splinter skin in the vagina wall.


To sum things up, condoms do not take away the pleasure of sex, rather it helps boost them as you’d find in several porn categories. With worries and anxiety out of the way, you and your partner can focus on pleasuring one another. 


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